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                         L'CHAIM - ISSUE # 686
                           Copyright (c) 2001
                 Lubavitch Youth Organization - L.Y.O.
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   Dedicated to the memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson N.E.
        September 14, 2001      Nitzavim           26 Elul, 5761

                         With Shema Yisrael...

We are on the threshold of a New Year, a year that bids farewell to the
Jewish Sabbatical (Shmitta) year and welcomes in the Hakel (Ingathering)

In Temple times, during the Hakel year, the entire Jewish people would
assemble in Jerusalem during the Sukot holiday to hear the king read the
fifth book of the Torah, Deuteronomy (D'varim).

Within this holy book are contained the sacred words that Jews
throughout the ages have recited- living with them as a constant
reminder of what we believe and dying with them as an affirmation of
that belief: "Shema Yisroel Ad-nai El-heinu Ad-nai Echad-Hear Israel,
the L-rd is our G-d, the L-rd is One."

On the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashana, Jews will assemble in
synagogues throughout the world. We will listen to the sounding of the
shofar and recite prayers of supplication, praise and thanksgiving.
Among those prayers will be the ancient words of Shema Yisrael.

Ten days later, on Yom Kippur, at the close of the final prayers of the
holy day, Jews will call out together in unison "Shema Yisrael."

                                *  *  *

It was related by a relative of Mordechai and Tirtza Schiwascherder, who
together with two of their daughters Ra'aya and Hemda and one of their
sons Avraham Yitzchak, were murdered in Jerusalem in the Sbarro pizza
shop terrorist bombing, that right after the blast, one of the children
cried out to Mordechai, "My face is burning." Mordechai told the child
to scream "Shema Yisrael." A survivor of the bombing who was nearby
recalled, "As they were burning they screamed 'Shema Yisrael' for some
time and then became silent."

                                *  *  *

This upcoming Hakel year is a year of Jewish unity and togetherness. In
ancient times, when millions of Jews gathered in the holy city of
Jerusalem, it is told that they never once said, "There is not enough
space." Jewish teachings explain this means that despite the fact that
conditions were crowded and the holy city was teeming with people, no
one complained. Everyone felt that he had "space"; each individual of
the millions of individuals congregated there was given "space" by his
neighbor. Perhaps that sense of "space" came from every Jew trying to
accomodate his neighbor rather than concerning himself with his own
needs and comfort level.

This year when we gather in our synagogues, within our communities, as
families, or even simply when an individual gathers together his
personal emotional, spiritual and intellectual faculties, let's do it
with the idea of enabling our neighbors to have their "space." And let's
do it with the words of "Shema Yisrael," the ultimate affirmation of our
faith and Jewish unity permeating our every action. If we live with this
reality, then surely Moshiach will come and usher in the time when there
will be true peace and no longer will anyone have to die with these
words on their lips.

May we all be inscribed and sealed for a year of good health, livelihood
and personal and universal Redemption.

Toward the end of this week's Torah portion, Nitzavim, Moses summarizes
his parting message to the Jewish people: "For this commandment, which I
command you this day, is not concealed from you nor is it far off... But
the thing is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that
you may do it." In other words, it is not too difficult to love G-d and
observe His commandments; in fact, keeping Torah and mitzvot is "very

In truth, this is an astounding claim. How could anyone maintain that
keeping the commandments is easy? According to human nature, a person's
inclinations are physical and materialistic. How can these natural
desires be transformed so simply into a spiritual love for G-d?

The Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, offers an explanation in
his seminal work of Chabad Chasidic philosophy, the Tanya. The key to
this "closeness" is the fact that every single Jew already possesses a
hidden love for G-d in his heart. Rather than creating something new,
all that is necessary is to uncover and awaken this inherent love. As it
already exists, it is literally quite "near," and can be revealed with
only a modicum of effort.

However, while it may be relatively easy to achieve the emotion of love
for G-d, what about the practicality of keeping the Torah's 613
commandments? Isn't this the very antithesis of "easy"?

The answer is found on the introductory page of the Tanya, where the
Alter Rebbe writes that he "will explain, with the help of G-d, how it
is indeed exceedingly close, in a long and short way."

On the one hand, an enormous amount of effort is required to contemplate
G-d's greatness to reveal one's innate love for Him until it affects the
daily conduct. However, although this may seem to be the "long" and
circuitous route to achieving this goal, it is also ultimately the
"shortest" and most reliable method. When a Jew meditates upon G-d's
greatness, the love and awe he arouses are permanent and lasting,
imbuing all of his Torah and mitzvot with vitality and enthusiasm.

Of course, a Jew may also take the "shorter" route, relying on his
intrinsic but hidden love for G-d, without resorting to intellectual
contemplation. However, such an approach will ultimately prove to be
"longer" and more arduous if it remains an abstraction, removed and
disconnected from his daily existence.

By studying Torah and contemplating G-d's greatness, a Jew acquires a
deeper and more lasting understanding, enabling him to keep Torah and
mitzvot more easily.

                             Adapted from Vol. 34 of Likutei Sichot

                             SLICE OF LIFE

                             Happy Birthday
                            by Gershon Beck

The 18th of Elul is marked on the Jewish calendar as a date to rejoice
and rejuvenate. It is the birthday of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of
Chasidut in general as well as the birthday of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of
Liadi, founder of Chabad Chasidism.

The 18th of Elul is also the the birthday of my father. Having the same
birthday as these two great luminaries is no coincidence. In fact, one
of the principle teachings of Chasidut is that everything that happens
in this world is by Divine Providence. Thus, nothing happens in this
world unless it is ordaind by G-d. The following story about my parents
illustrates the concept of Divine Providence quite well.

My Father and Mother were involved with helping our brethren in the
Soviet Union even before Perestroika. One summer my parents took a tour
to the Scandinavian Countries as well as the then Soviet Union. After
spending some time in Finland, they went by train from Helsinki to
Lenningrad. Dad and Mom brought quite a few Jewish religious articles
with them including Jewish books, tefilin, a talit (prayer shawl) as
well as other illegal items.

Dad asked another Jewish man on the tour if he would take a few of the
items and put them in his suitcase. Dad's reasoning was that sometimes
the Russian border guards search belongings at the border. If the items
were divided up, there would be a greater possibility of some of the
items getting through. The other man refused to take any items. Dad and
Mom had no choice but to take everything with them. When the guards came
on the train at the border, they were not searched, though the man who
did not wish to take any of the items was searched thoroughly! That's
Divine Providence.

There were other interesting events as well. When Dad and Mom got to the
family's home with whom they had been in contact, a young teenage boy
thanked my father for the calendar. At first Dad didn't realize what he
meant. Then he remembered that he would send the family kitchen items
wrapped up in "paper" that was actually a Hebrew Calendar. The
authorities, who checked all items coming into the country, never
thought to check the paper in which an innocent kitchen item was sent!

Being involved and concerned with fellow Jews is not new for my parents.
They have been active members of Chabad in Phoenix for over two decades.
Mom has been involved with the Chabad Ladies Auxiliary, visiting nursing
homes where she plays music for the people to lift up their spirits,
delivering wine for Passover, calling people to remind them about
classes and meetings as well as folding flyers till late hours when a
Chabad mailing needs to get out.

Rabbi Zalman and Tziporrah Levertov (the Rebbe's head emissaries in
Arizona), have often told me that they look at my parents as Pioneers.
"Your parents were here helping when we first arrived," Reb Zalman has
often said. "Those were crucial times and the people there in the
beginning really helped put things in motion."

The fact that my parents settled in Phoenix and become more involved in
Judaism there is also an illustration of Divine Providence.

My family moved to Phoenix in 1977 from Seaford, New York. My father had
been working for a radio station in New York City for about 14 years. He
had worked for many years on a rotating shift and wanted to begin
observing Shabbat. The firm he worked for wasn't too happy about it and
about a year later my father was forced to leave the company. During
that last year in New York, my younger sister, Malka Perl  began
attending the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County. One of the teachers who
instilled in her the warmth of Torah was a Chabad Rabbi.

When my parents decided  to move to Phoenix my sister wanted to continue
her Jewish education. She enrolled in the Hebrew High School and my two
younger brothers were enrolled in the Phoenix Hebrew Academy Day School.
This was a big step for our family since my older brother and I had
finished high school in the public school system and were hardly
involved with anything Jewish.

When we first settled in Phoenix, we lived about three miles from the
shul. My younger siblings did not want to go because their teachers
would know that they had come by car. They began nudging my parents to
move within walking distance of the shul. About  six months later my
parents bought a home one mile from the shul. Now our family was walking
to shul, making kiddush on Shabbat and discussing the weekly Torah
portion at the Shabbat meals. In time, my older brother Eli and I
started slowly to get more involved in Judaism and studying Torah.

My father says today that when he left his job 25 years ago, who knew
where it would lead too. New York is one of the centers of Jewish life,
yet our family became closer to Torah in the desert (the school my
sister went to was called "Ohr Hamidbar - the light in the desert").
Judaism teaches that even "ordinary" people are able to discern Divine
Providence. We just need to open our eyes and see G-d's hand in the

Happy Birthday to our holy Rebbes. Happy Birthday to my dear Father. May
you have many happy occasions to celebrate with your wife, children and
grandchildren. Let's hope that today will be that day when Moshiach
builds the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. May we soon witness that great day.
It will be some party.

                               WHAT'S NEW

The article in L'Chaim #680 by Rabbi Tuvia Bolton entitled "Won Over By
Love" should have included the website of Rabbi Bolton's weekly
newsletter, which is

                            Shofar Sho Good

The main mitzva of the holiday of Rosh Hashana (Monday evening,
September 17 through Wednesday evening, September 19) is to hear the
shofar sounded. Many Chabad-Lubavitch Centers around the world, in
addition  to regular Rosh Hashana services, will be holding special
shofar sounding ceremonies during the day on Tuesday and Wendesday. They
will also be organizing communal "Tashlich Services," for Tuesday
afternoon at local rivers, ponds or lakes. For more information about
these or any other holiday programs call your local Chabad-Lubavitch
Center (see

                            THE REBBE WRITES

                 In the days of Selichoth, 5716 [1956]

To My Brethren, Everywhere

G-d bless you all,

Greeting and Blessing:

As the old year draws to a close and the new year draws near, every
person draws up a "balance-sheet" for the year gone by, which guides him
in his resolution for the forthcoming year.

In order that such a "balance-sheet," and the resolutions based on it,
be as close to the truth as possible, one must be wary of overestimating
one's virtues and accomplishments. But neither should one exaggerate
one's deficiencies and failings, for a depressing mood, not to say
despondency, G-d forbid, is one of the serious obstacles on the road to

It is possible, however, that even without exaggeration the
"balance-sheet" may reveal that the liabilities' side is quite
substantial, perhaps even outweighing the assets' side. But even in such
a case there should be no room for despondency. For together with the
feeling of sincere repentance and a firm resolution to change for the
better-which must be the necessary outcome of such self-searching, there
is an encouraging feature in the general conduct of man, which should be
borne in mind at this time. It is, that every positive and good action-
positive and good in accordance with the definitions of our Torah, the
Law of Life-is indestructible and eternal, being connected with, and
stemming from, the Divine "spark" that is in man, the Neshama (soul),
which is eternal; while any negative and destructive action, being
connected with, and stemming from, the Nefesh Habahamis (animal soul)
and evil inclination in man, which are essentially limited and
transient, is likewise of a temporary and transient nature, and can and
must be corrected and completely wiped out through sincere and adequate

Bearing this in mind, every one, regardless what his personal
"balance-sheet" reveals, will find encou-ragement and renewed hope in
the future, knowing that his good deeds in the past year are eternal, as
is the light and benefit which they have brought into his own life, into
his family and all our people, since all Jews are closely related and
form one whole.

In light of the above, moreover, this helpful feeling is further
enhanced in that it is of a universal nature. All good actions unite to
make this world as a whole progressively better. Even when a religious
and moral relapse seems very much in evidence, with many yet to become
wiser and more religious, the world as a whole is essentially becoming
more purified with every passing year, every day and every minute, for
no instant passes without many good deeds.

No matter what the state of affairs seems to be at any given moment,
eventually the good must triumph and the evil be eradicated, as this is
the avowed will of the Creator and Master of the Universe. Eventually
everyone must repent, and G-d "who forgives abundantly" will accept
repentance, "for none shall be rejected by Him."

Through sincere repentance for the past and good deeds in the present
and future, everyone has the ability to make the coming year, a year of
very great accomplishments indeed, and G-d, "who desires repentance,"
helps to carry out such determined resolutions.

And on the scale of Divine justice on the forthcoming Rosh Hashanah,
such determination will ensure still further the repentor's acquittal
and his being inscribed for a happy and pleasant new year.

With the blessing of Kesivo VaChasimo Toivo [may you be inscribed and
sealed for good],

                                *  *  *

                      Chai -18 - Elul, 5712 [1952]

To All My Brethren, Wherever You Are,

G-d Bless You All, Sholom u'Brocho:

I send you herewith my prayerful wishes for a happy and pleasant New
Year, may it bring blessings to us all.

At the end of this Shemittah (Sabbatical) Year, and on the threshold of
the New Year, we are reminded of the great Mitzvah, which is "a strong
pillar and a great credit to our religion" (Sefer Hachinuch)-the Mitzvah
of Hakhel, when all the people, men, women, and children, gathered
during the Festival of Succoth at the holy place in Jerusalem-may it be
rebuilt by our righteous Messiah, speedily in our time-to hear selected
portions of the Torah, portions inspiring to piety, love and
appreciation of the Torah, the observance of the Mitzvoth, particularly
the Mitzvah of Tzedoko [charity].

Although at all times we are commanded to bring up our children in the
way of the Torah and Mitzvoth, the Mitzvah of Hakhel, coinciding with
this season, impresses upon us our duties towards the children with
especial force and timeliness.

Therefore, let every Jewish father and mother, every Rabbi and leader,
every communal worker and person of influence, heed the call of the
Mitzvah of Hakhel: to gather the masses of Jewish children and bring
them to...Torah-true educational institutions and ensure their existence
and growth; in order that all Jewish children, boys and girls, be
brought up in the spirit of piety and love for G-d, love for the Torah
and Mitzvoth, love for one another.

In the merit of this, the Alm-ghty will favor us and enable us very soon
to fulfill the Mitzvah of Hakhel in the Beth Hamikdosh [Holy Temple] in
Jerusalem, rebuilt by our Righteous Messiah, Amen.

With blessings to you and from you for a Happy and Pleasant Year, Ksivah
Vachasimah Toivo,

                            RAMBAM THIS WEEK
27 Elul 5761

Prohibition 244: stealing money

By this prohibition we are forbidden to steal money. It is contained in
the Torah's words (Lev. 19:11), "You shall not steal."

                        A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR
                         Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman
We would like to wish the entire Jewish people our sincerest blessings
for a k'siva vachasima tova, l'shana tova u'msuka - to be inscribed and
sealed for a good, sweet year, with blessings from every letter of the
Hebrew alef-beit.

                          THOUGHTS THAT COUNT
You are standing this day all of you...every person of Israel (Deut.

The Torah uses many different words to refer to Jews; the name "Israel"
is the highest of all these descriptions, connoting magnitude and
significance. The verse teaches that all Jews are in this category,
i.e., exalted and essentially worthy.

                                                    (Yismach Moshe)

                                *  *  *

And it shall come to pass ("vehaya"), when all these things have come
upon you, the blessing and the curse (Deut. 30:1)

Our Rabbis explain that the word "vehaya" is an expression of joy. A Jew
must always strive to serve G-d joyfully, regardless of whether he
encounters blessing in life or (G-d forbid) the opposite. As our Sages
declared, "A person is obligated to bless G-d for [apparent] evil in the
same way he blesses Him for good."

                                                      (Ohr HaChaim)

                                *  *  *

It is obvious that punishment and suffering can arouse the heart to
teshuva (repentance). But how can blessing do the same? The Baal Shem
Tov offered an analogy of a subject who rebels against his king. What
does the king do? Instead of punishing him he appoints him minister,
allows him into the royal palace and gradually increases his rank until
he is second in command. The greater the king's beneficence, the more
the recipient is ashamed of having rebelled against such a merciful
ruler. The king's loving-kindness thus leads him to a higher level of
repentance than had he been punished.

                                *  *  *

Then the L-rd your G-d will turn your captivity (Deut. 30:3)

Rashi notes this means that "[G-d] will literally take hold with His
hand every person... as it states, 'You shall be gathered one by one,
Children of Israel.' " As we know that the Redemption will come about
through repentance, the Torah clearly promises that every single Jew
will ultimately return to G-d in repentance, as it states, "For not even
one will be banished."


                            IT ONCE HAPPENED
The month of Elul was drawing to a close. Everyone was getting ready for
Yom Tov, and the "scent" of the High Holidays was already in the air.
The marketplace was overflowing with all kinds of merchandise and
produce, including the special fruits that are traditionally eaten on
Rosh Hashana like pomegranates.

The Jewish section of town was bustling with activity as homes were
swept from top to bottom and new clothes were fitted and sewn. At the
same time it was serious business, as residents prepared themselves
spiritually for the coming year. More attention was paid to praying with
a minyan, refraining from gossip and in general, improving behavior.

Inside the Baal Shem Tov's study hall the final preparations before Rosh
Hashana were also underway. Prayers were recited with increased
devotion, and all thoughts were focused on returning to G-d in

One evening, a few days before Rosh Hashana, the Baal Shem Tov's
disciples were getting ready to pray the evening service. All that was
missing was the Baal Shem Tov himself, who had yet to arrive. At
precisely the appointed hour the Baal Shem Tov entered the study hall,
but instead of opening his prayer book he remaining standing, lost in

Of course, no one dared mention that it was time to pray. The minutes
ticked by and still the Baal Shem Tov seemed distracted, as if he were
in another world. His holy face was suffused with intense emotion.
However, the Baal Shem Tov's students were already used to such things.

When the Baal Shem Tov suddenly roused himself almost an hour later and
opened his prayer book, his countenance was virtually shining with joy.
That evening, the Baal Shem Tov prayed with unusual intensity and
longing. It was obvious that something of very great magnitude had

After the service the Baal Shem Tov explained:

"Not very far from here," he began, "lives a Jew who grew up in a
traditional Jewish home. But as he grew older, he began to associate
with the local peasants. Slowly he abandoned the Jewish path till he was
virtually indistinguishable from the gentiles and completely estranged
from his roots.

"Many years passed. The man left the province where he was born and went
to live in a totally non-Jewish environment. As time passed, he forgot
everything about the Jewish way of life, its prayers and its customs.
Before he knew it 30 years had elapsed.

"Tonight," the Baal Shem Tov revealed, "this Jew happened to be visiting
a Jewish town on business. As soon as he entered the village he could
sense the commotion, and this aroused his curiosity. When he asked a
passer-by what was going on the man answered, 'Everyone is getting ready
for a holiday we call Rosh Hashana. According to Jewish tradition, it is
the day on which man was created and the whole world is judged.'

"For some reason this explanation struck a chord in the heart of the
assimilated Jew. Maybe it was the exclusionary 'we' that emphasized the
huge chasm that separated him from his brethren, or perhaps the mere
mention of the Day of Judgment. In any event, the man's soul was
inexplicably awakened, and he was flooded with memories of his

"As he wandered through the marketplace he was suddenly stricken by the
horrifying realization that he had exchanged a life rich in meaning for
an empty existence. At that moment he looked up, and was surprised to
find himself standing outside the main synagogue. By then it was almost
dark, and people were arriving to pray the evening service.

"The man was seized by an overwhelming desire to join them, but he was
also embarrassed by his non-Jewish appearance. In the end the urge to
pray won out, and he went into the women's section and hid behind the

"As the cantor chanted the words 'And He atones for sin...' a shudder
passed through the man's body. How he wished to pray, but the words were
long forgotten. Tears streamed down his cheeks. When the last congregant
had gone home he couldn't bear it any longer and burst out crying.
'Master of the universe!' he wept. 'I know there is no greater sinner
than I, but I also know that You are merciful and full of
loving-kindness. Heavenly Father, forgive me my transgressions and I
will sin no more. I wish to return to You and live as a Jew. Please
accept my prayer and do not turn me away!'

"The man's heartfelt repentance caused a great commotion in the
celestial realms," the Baal Shem Tov explained, "and his prayer ascended
to the very Throne of Glory. In fact, it was so powerful that it brought
along with it many other prayers that had been waiting hundreds of years
to ascend.

"When I sensed what was going on in the man's heart," the Baal Shem Tov
concluded, "I decided to wait for him to pray so I could join him.
Tonight's service was delayed so we could merit to pray with a true

                            MOSHIACH MATTERS
Rav Saadia Gaon recounts ten symbolic meanings in the sounding of the
shofar on Rosh Hashana. The tenth is: "To recall our faith in the future
resurrection of the dead. As it is said: 'All you inhabitants of the
world, and you who dwell in the earth; when an ensign is lifted on the
mountains you shall see, and when the shofar is sounded you shall hear.'

               END OF TEXT - L'CHAIM 686 - Nitzavim 5761

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